Green wallpaper designs make for a calming oasis in our busy lives.


Bright, optimistic appearance.

Green Commercial Wallcoverings add a sense of relaxation to the space, giving it an organic or natural look. Making a room feel fresh and open, vibrant green colors have a bright, optimistic appearance, perfect for communal spaces such as restaurants, cafés, and retail stores.

Excellent choice for salons and spas.

On the other hand, darker green commercial wallpaper conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication, an excellent choice for corporate settings or salons and spas. If you’re using lighter green wallcovering as a feature wall, consider complementing it with neutral colors, such as white or beige, to create a lighter color palette that emphasizes a more relaxed aesthetic.

Great mix with dark colors.

Mixing and matching dark green wall coverings with colors such as black, gold, or navy blue can create a transformative look that will dramatize the space.

Give us a ring now at 1-888-990-2250 or email us at so we can advise on the best commercial wallcoverings, for your next project!

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