For your next commercial project, why not browse through our extensive commercial wallpaper collection for some ideas? Whether you’re looking for a specific pattern, like textured wallpaper, or a wallpaper material, like vinyl, we’ve got you covered! In the meantime, we’ve picked out some of our recent favorites that are not only stylish, but are great for use in various applications.
In some commercial settings, a plain or textured wallpaper pattern is the best choice. If a subtle stylishness is what you’re after, take a look at Textured Thatch. Featured above in a light gray, this wallpaper has a small-scale etched pattern that gives it a textured look, perfect for adding a sense of depth to the walls. Some applications where this wallpaper works best include business offices, senior homes, and healthcare facilities. Textured Thatch is also available in several other neutral tones, ranging from dark brown to beige. Overall, this pattern is perfect for those who don’t want the flat look of paint, but want to keep the wall décor on the simpler, more sophisticated side.
For something that balances simplicity and added style, Lima is also an excellent textured wallpaper pattern, but one with a bit of a twist. It has a subtle metallic surface, giving it a glamorous appeal that draws more attention to itself than the previous example. It adds a unique characteristic to the walls and can be worked in conjunction with the space’s lighting to become even more spectacular. Some examples of applications for this particular pattern include retail stores, salon and spas, and restaurants. Lima is available in several other metallic colors, such as black, bronze, silver, and gold.
Of course, contract wallpaper is diverse and so are the colorways they’re available in. Take this plum-colored wallpaper as an example. It has a deep, rich color that makes it a trendy choice for a commercial setting. The linear look adds a dimensional quality to the walls, making it great for smaller or irregular shaped rooms. Even though the color is a bit out of the ordinary, the minimalist design keeps it from being to “out there,” making it perfect for any professional atmosphere. Some examples where Plus Osaka is best used include restaurants, hospitality, and corporate settings. Osaka is available in many other colors, ranging from neutral tones to more vibrant examples – sky blue, yellow, maroon, beige, and pink all make an appearance.
For a darker, bolder look, Subtle Diamonds features a geometric pattern that has an eye-catching faded look. This gives it a rustic or weathered appeal, adding to the modern theme of this particular wallpaper. While this wallpaper features more details than the previous examples, it’s still a suitable choice for commercial projects thanks to its timeless design and smaller-scale imagery, making it an easy addition to pre-existing interior spaces. Some commercial applications where Subtle Diamonds would be suitable include fashion stores, cafes, and salons and spas. Subtle Diamonds is also available in colors such as light brown, gray, and white.
If you want your walls to truly “pop,” consider choosing one with interesting imagery that actually appears to be jumping off the walls! Reverse features a dense packing of geometric shapes carefully designed to create a 3D effect. The sense of depth is truly astounding – something that a coat of paint can’t achieve. This contract wallpaper would be a nice addition in commercial spaces such as hospitals, senior homes, and educational settings. Reverse is available in many other colors, such as deep red, yellow, green, copper, and beige.
With a brushed look, Simple Plain combines the simplicity of plain wallpaper styles with the trendiness of faux effect wallpapers. The abstract nature of this design is similar to that of concrete wallpaper, with a slight weathered surface that conveys a touch of modern aesthetics. Some settings where this contract wallpaper would look at home include business offices, education, and hospitality settings. Simple Plain is also available in colors such as navy blue, brown, dark gray, and lilac.
Creating a high-end, designer look can actually be done on a budget! Maze is one such contract wallpaper that oozes charm and personality thanks to its detailed look. It has a look similar to basket weave, which gives it a traditional, handcrafted appeal. Some commercial spaces where Maze would work include salons and spas, senior homes, and restaurants. Maze is also available in colors such as beige, yellow, and white.
Let’s end our list with a textured abstract look that not only adds a touch of sophistication to the space, but does so in an understated, subtle way. Illuminous is featured above in a metallic copper color, which works well in a variety of spaces and color palettes. It has just enough design to accentuate the stylishness of the wallpaper, while maintaining a sense of being a complimentary décor item for the room. Illuminous works best in spaces such as healthcare centers, education, and corporate settings. This wallpaper is also available in several other neutral toned colors, such as brown, black, white, grey, and beige.