Some of the easiest wallpaper colors to incorporate into any space are neutral colors. These include shades of white, beige, taupe, black, and gray. If you’re just looking to add wallpaper to a room that’s already been designed, consider choosing a color that can easily slip into the space’s pre-existing color palettes. While the idea of using beige or white wallpaper may seem boring, we’re here to change your perception with these interesting designs. A simplistic color doesn’t need to be thought of as uninspiring. Instead, focus on choosing wallpaper designs that add character and personality to your room.
Tropical Natural Grey And White Leaves Wallpaper R4190
Featured in gray and white, Tropical Nature is a design that is bursting with creativity. This nature-themed wallpaper uses a watercolor aesthetic, giving it a hand painted look that imbues the space with an artistic edge. We think this pattern would be perfect for a feature wall in a bedroom, or used throughout a large living room space. Although the color scheme is simplistic, it does feature a surprising amount of small details that brings this wallpaper to life. The small butterfly and other wildlife sitting on the leaves and the subtle shading effects that add depth to the pattern.
Washed Vintage White Stacked Map Wallpaper R4323
This neutral wallpaper takes a look at the outdoors as well, but from a totally different perspective! Featuring a large map, the washed vintage appearance is a trendy look that never really goes out of style. It has a geometric-like quality to it, especially with the strong lines and grid background. Similar to the previous wallpaper, this one is definitely a pattern that uses imagery in a different way than we expect, especially with the smaller map sections placed on top to create an overlapping look.
Floral Botanical Classic Beige and Taupe Wallpaper R4131
This neutral wallpaper takes a look at the outdoors as well, but from a totally different perspective! Featuring a large map, the washed vintage appearance is a trendy look that never really goes out of style. It has a geometric-like quality to it, especially with the strong lines and grid background. Similar to the previous wallpaper, this one is definitely a pattern that uses imagery in a different way than we expect, especially with the smaller map sections placed on top to create an overlapping look.
Concrete Cloudy Abstract Wallpaper Grey and Black R4667
Looking for a more abstract pattern is one way to choose a wallpaper for a room where the interior design is already finish or set. Abstract designs tend to focus on color usage so the more flexible choices tend to be neutral colors. This taupe/gray wallpaper features an abstract take on traditional concrete wallpaper by giving it a cloudy or grungy aesthetic. Best used on all walls throughout the space, the rustic nature has a rough, artistic quality that makes it contemporary.
Lighter neutral colors work to create a sense of openness in a space. Tradition, a classic damask wallpaper, is shown above in a light beige color palette. The intricate imagery, a common design motif among the majority of damask patterns, adds a sense of sophistication to the space. This is perfect for creating a royal or grand look, whether it’s in the bedroom or even in the lobby/hallway area of the home. Because the damask pattern includes a lot of small, complex details, choosing a neutral color allows for the imagery to be the center of attention.
A funky look that blends abstract and even geometric design aesthetics, Amoeba is a creative beige wallpaper that proves even beige/neutral colors can be fun! The curvy shapes have an eccentric appearance that makes it stand out from anything else on this list. It’s perfect for those who want a playful design, but it also has some other practical uses as well. Aside from the versatile colors, the design allows it to be used in any space regardless of the room’s size. From small powder rooms to large living rooms, this wallpaper design looks great regardless.
For a darker look, black wallpapers are also an option when choosing neutral colors. As the saying goes, black goes with anything and it’s the same with wallpaper as well. Since damask patterns are an annual favorite among homeowners and interior designers alike, we thought this black damask wallpaper is a dramatic, engaging design that needs to be featured. The connecting border creates a heightened sense of symmetry, encasing the floral motif in the middle.
Last but not least, faux finish wallpaper designs are another flexible category that should be considered. While red brick may be the iconic choice, black brick is no slouch either. This on-trend look features a photorealistic take on the material, and makes any space look stylish, contemporary and “photo ready.” The various light and dark shades add a degree of visual interest that keeps the wallpaper looking realistic and enticing. Faux finish wallpaper patterns can be used in any space, but consider using it in the bedroom or living room for an added modern appeal.
In summary, neutral colored wallpaper is about making sure you choose the right neutral shade for your room, but also a design or wallpaper imagery that works well with the space.