Mica wallpapers are new and exciting wallpapers that are comprised of Mica chips, a mineral formed from a chemical reaction between quartz and granite. This creates an unmatched texture and jewel like quality with its brilliant metallic sheen. These jewel like stones adorn the entire wallcovering giving it a rich distinctive look.
In a small space mica is a great option because of its ability to bounce light around a space as well as its subtle, yet rich textural qualities.
Mica is a highly versatile wallcovering that can be a fitting addition to any space of the home. It is a timeless choice that adds an intense aesthetic with its texture and sheen. Mica can create a casually elegant living room with its mix of simplicity and richness. Mica can also look great in a powder room as it does not overwhelm you with too much pattern, but gives off a great texture and light quality for enhancing this small space.
Mica can also bring an even more unexpected aesthetic when used in unconventional methods. Mica can be a good compliment when paired with grasscloth wallcoverings in a similar tonal range. This striped living space demonstrates the unique textural pairing that can result from mixing two wallcoverings. It creates a very soft and cozy look that will be a timeless staple in your home. Another unique application for Mica is as a feature on the sides of a kitchen island or as a feature to frame a bed.
Mica is versatile wallpaper that can look great in a wide range of spaces since it is not overwhelming or obtrusive.
Light coloured mica wallpaper can play up a casual space making it appear warm, cozy, and intimate. It gives off a simple, natural, and earthy vibe.
Dark colours or mica with rich metallic sheens can help portray a more luxurious elegant space. The rich colours will create a truly fashionable and lavish look in your home.
Mica is also available in various scales from a finer to large texture that also creates diverse looks. Larger mica chips will achieve more depth and texture in a space while a finer texture is more neutral while both add a unique tonal range to your walls.
looking for a mica wallpaper in color cream/off white. Do ypu have?