“Wallpaper is used on the walls” is what comes to mind when you think about wallpaper products. Whether used as a single feature wall or throughout the entire space on all walls, wallpaper is used to add a touch of style and personality to the space. It can dramatically transform the space through its innovative design and high-end look. However, what if we told you that you can use wallpaper off the wall? In this article, we’ll be taking a look at creative ways to use wallpaper that doesn’t just involve pasting them on your walls!
Using Wallpaper on Doors and Other Panels
One unique way to use wallpaper other than pasting it on the wall is to cover the interior surface of the door with the product. This creates an interesting, localized look within the space, emphasizing the main entrance/exit of the home or apartment. Since the surface area of the door is much smaller than a wall, definitely opt for a bolder print or color scheme in order to create that “wow” factor to draw people’s attention. This can also be a great way to use your favorite print that would be too busy or “loud” if used throughout the entire space. The image above is an example of a contemporary floral wallpaper pattern that features a minimalist color palette but imagery that is very detailed.
Another area that can be wallpapered includes closet doors and panels, as seen in the image above. Again, the concept is the same. Instead of wallpapering the entire room or even a single feature wall, wallpaper is applied to functional surfaces that you interact with on a daily basis. It’s a way to dress up a part of your home that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Use wallpaper to update plain furniture
For readers who consider themselves DIY-ers, this next suggestion will be right up your alley! You can use wallpaper to update plain furniture, giving it a total makeover. The example above features black and white contemporary geometric wallpaper that has been applied to the backboard of the shelf. This gives the entire furniture piece an original, creative look that’s one of a kind. Furniture stores like IKEA offer a lot of plain items that can be further customized with wallpaper to give it a handcrafted look. Unlike using wallpaper on doors, this method has more leeway and homeowners can use wallpapers with interesting imagery or opt for textured wallpaper to give it the furniture a more traditional look.
Using wallpaper on old furniture
On a similar note, you can also use wallpaper on old furniture to give them a new lease on life. Using wallpaper on older items also has a functional, more practical benefit as well. Consider bookshelves with scuff marks and scratches – this can be covered up with wallpaper to look brand new! Depending on the wallpaper pattern you choose, you can also transform the aesthetics of the piece, making it look more modern or classical to suit your tastes. The image below shows wallpaper being used to cover a lampshade, making it feel more like a part of the room and its color scheme.
Warm Sunset Grey Tropical Mosaic R5713
Using wallpaper in cluttered spaces
There are times when homeowners may want to get that high-end wallpapered look but their space just doesn’t allow for it. A prime example of this is the kitchen, where the upper walls are generally covered up with cabinets and the lower half of the wall is hidden behind countertops and large appliances. However, this doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. In the image below, floral wallpaper has been used in the shelving units to add a noticeable, creative appearance that gives the kitchen a lively feel. Since the back surface of the cabinets can be rather small, homeowners should focus on color and a small scale patterns.
Using wallpaper on your stairs
Last but not least, using wallpaper on your stairs can be an excellent way to turn a typically drab area of the home into something unforgettable. Of course, you’ll want to make sure your stairs have a flat surface for the wallpaper to be pasted on. Similar to the kitchen cabinets above, the overall size of the wallpaper strips on each step is small, so a focus on using vibrant colors and smaller scale imagery is a must. With stair wallpaper, homeowners can get creative and use the same pattern for each step, the same pattern but in alternating colors, or even mix and match different wallpaper patterns to a truly original, eclectic look.
Cool Abstract Painted Mountains R5899
Why use wallpaper “off the wall?”
We’ve shown you a lot of ways wallpaper can be used off the wall but why would you want to in the first place? Using the same wallpaper on the walls and then in a smaller DIY project (like a bookshelf) can be a great way to create a unifying theme within the space, especially if it’s a pattern you just can’t get enough of. It can also be a way to tie together different areas of the home. For example if you’re using watercolor wallpaper in your bedroom, you can use leftover wallpaper on the roll in other areas of the home, like the stairs.
Using wallpaper off the wall and in unexpected places is a cost-effective way to add interesting visual elements to the interior space without having to commit to wallpapering the entire wall. Of course, choosing vibrant colors and interesting designs to make an impact is a huge part of why homeowners should consider using wallpaper elsewhere. It can be a good way to make old furniture “new” again – it’s the concept of upcycling but with a wallpaper twist! Today’s wallpaper is so much more versatile and functional than wallpaper of the past, and with “paste the wall” technology, installation is so easy, even those new to DIY can take part!