How to Choose Wallpaper to Create Spectacular Spaces in Your Home

Warm Grey Birch Bark R2578


Selecting wallpaper can be a difficult task. Get advice on how to successfully choose the perfect home wallpaper that you and your guests will love!

Selecting trendy wallpaper can be a daunting task when faced with the many choices in style, pattern, and colour that are available. To bring enthusiasm to your home there are multiple ways to help you narrow down your options and choose wallpaper that is best suitable for you and your home.


1. Style and Space

Grey Geometric R2245


First, look at the space that you are going to be wallpapering in order to understand the type of space you are working with. In an active space you may want to play with bolder patterns and colours while in a space that is all about rest and relaxation you can consider playing with less busy and calmer wallpapers.


Powder Blue Ornamental R2057


Identifying the style that you are most drawn to will also impact your decision and help you narrow down your selection. Decide whether you are drawn to traditional, modern, or contemporary styles and floral, damask, or geometric wallpaper patterns etc. Also be sure to take into account the current style of your space. If you are working with a traditional space a contemporary geometric pattern will seem out of place and chaotic.

If you are interested in graphic contemporary patterns, explore Walls Republic Grey Geometric pattern or if you are more drawn to a traditional ornamental pattern have a look at our Elegant Silver wallpaper.


2. Colour

Gold Damask R2067


Colour is a highly significant factor in defining the mood and ambience of your interiors. Darker colours will create an atmosphere of luxury and will make a room seem smaller, more intimate, and cozy.


Warm Grey Birch Bark R2578


Lighter colours are airy and can open up a space making it appear larger. They are calming and comforting when used in a space designed for relaxation such as a living room or bedroom. For light wallpaper in a popular faux finished pattern try out Crude Beige.

Be sure not to forget what else is in the space or what other elements you are planning to add. Make sure to coordinate your wallpaper with existing features and colour schemes within the space. Alternatively, you can use your wallpaper to enhance and update an existing colour scheme that needs a little more excitement and pizazz. Vibrant colours such as fuchsia or purple can also help add a playful and exciting element to your space. To create a powerful focal try a wallpaper mural such as this bold jewel pattern with rich colour, depth, and drama.


Crystalize M8941


One of the most important elements in selecting the ultimate home wallpaper is to order samples of your top choices to understand how they work in your space. Colours will look very different under various light sources and the availability of natural light. Samples will give you a clear idea of what you are getting and will help you avoid disappointment in the long run as no colour will look the same under a different light source.


3. Pattern

 With a wide range of patterns available today narrowing down a pattern that best compliments your space can also be a difficult aspect in choosing wallpaper. Pay attention to the scale of the space you are wallpapering to decide whether or not a large or small pattern is suitable.


Grey Chevron Stripe R2554


A striped pattern can elongate a space if applied horizontally or can add the illusion of height if applied vertically.


Winded Dim SR1173

If pattern is not for you try textural wallpaper with subtle pattern and movement. This will help add dimension to the space while not being too overwhelming. Simple textural wallpapers are also great as a complement to a bolder pattern. If you would like a bolder print but are afraid of covering the entire space try a feature wall in a daring pattern and use the textural wallpaper as a compliment.



Royal Blue Vintage Blossoms R3032


Classic floral, or tone on tone wallpapers are also another good option if you concerned about adding pattern to your home.

Don’t be afraid of mixing patterns and colours. Mixing patterns will create a rich scheme with lots of depth and visual interest. In order to successfully achieve this scheme be sure to work with varied pattern scales. Try pairing a large wallpaper print with a mix of small and medium scaled patterns for textiles or accessories. To achieve the look above and throughout this post check out our selection of wallpapers at


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